Friday, June 22, 2007

beer & pork

i've read ricky's rantings about beer or the occupation of iraq or whatever but the idea of beer in the philippines making you smart is just so fascinating that it would probably costs me some sleepless nights...the merest thought of beer making me smart makes me so that in the 25 years i've been guzzling this type of beverage i still could not comprehend the intricacies of the human psyche? or the history of the universe... what well happen to me now that i'm in a land where you could be sent to jail for the rest of your short life for drinking beer and eating pork.. so forgive me for saying this but the best beers are here in ksa non-alcoholic beer- "no hangover..drink whole truckloads and be fresh as daisies the next day!!!!"

Just started this blog....

Hi to all my friends...just started this blog to see where this leads...probably to nowhere but then again to somewhere... "if there's a will..there's away..if there's no way.. make one"..could have been my motto if I had one.. my classmates are really nice... I got this idea from them...more later maybe... to busy right now..